A custard for all – Jelly Custard



I know everyone of you are fond of custards and it’s always the drinks. I’ve learnt this one recently. Let me share now:


  • 1/2 kg fresh milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbsp vanilla custard powder
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 200 grams strawberry jelly crystals
  • Red syrup for decoration

How to prepare?

Pour required amount of milk in a pot and cook for few mins after ading sugar. Take custard, mix it in little water and then slowly add in milk. Stir it continuously and remove from gas when the milk becomes thick.

Pour this into the dish. Now heat water, add the jelly crystals, pour into mould and allow it set. You may now cut the jelly into little cubes and add them to custard. Time to decorate with syrup and serve.


Working in the night shift for 5 days in a week does require patience. Different are the ways to chlll out and relieve your stress. The best way I find out is to party with friends. A party that's worth drinking and a drinking that's worth partying!!

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