Chicken Corn soup is so Easy – Let’s start…

Preparing any soup has never been so easy. And since it’s a non-veg soup it is like a cherry on cake.

Ingredients –

  • 2 corn cobs
  • chicken stock – 4 large cups
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • To taste – Salt and pepper

So let’s start by melting butter, adding a little flour to it. Now stir till it becomes like breadcrumbs. Remove from gas, add the chicken stock and blend well. Add milk to it once you are done with adding the stock and place it on gas again. Now it’s time to season, so add it with a little corn and bring to boil. Make sure you cook till the corn is tender.

So, be ready to serve or get served if someone else has prepared it for you.



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